Jan Farrell is a printmaker whose work reinvents the physical environment with a particular affection for nature. Jan derives endless inspiration from her surroundings, wherever they may be.
Jan works in a multidimensional creative process: thoughts and playful ideas are captured and then her prints go on a journey of their own.
Experimentation forms a large part of Jan's practice. She works across various techniques including etching, collagraph, linocut and woodblock, adapting these to the particular project, often combining processes. The resultant prints portray a sense of fun, surrealism and whimsy.
This award winning artist’s works are held Australia-wide and overseas.
Collection N.S.W. Government (Department Planning, Industry and the Environment)
Collection Port Authority of Santander, Spain
Collection Gosford Regional Gallery, N.S.W.

Beside the Lake (detail)

Enjoying the View

Hot Summer