My printmaking practice is composed of many layers. My lifelong interest in landscape stems from my earlier career as a Geography teacher. Observational skills were honed. Connections were always sought and pursued in an effort to isolate the influences shaping the landscape under review. Were they man made or natural or a combination of both? Printmaking, with all its diverse techniques allows the creative process to soar in so many directions. Ideas can be squashed through the press from an endless variety of matrix surfaces, sometimes as monoprints or rich layered prints made up of a variety of printmaking techniques. The subject in the spotlight will determine what technique is employed. Often unexpected tangents emerge that can sometimes lead to surprising outcomes – but not always!  Climate change and the impact it is having on our flora, fauna and the landscape or icescape is a recurring theme. At other times, current issues or the sheer beauty of a scene is enough to get the scribe moving. The rich creative process behind the making of prints reflects a magical world where traditional and modern day techniques can happily co-exist. The printmaking process encourages an enormous sense of wonder about the world we live in and as such offers a rich path of discovery to destinations unknown.


